Empathy/sympathy is lacking

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have heard about the OceanGate submersible and the tragic death of its occupants.

It has been all over the news, along with information about the people who paid the $250K to view the Titanic remains. This is what I found on Reddit today when I went to read more about it.

The horrific death of those people is a tragedy. Why should we have less sympathy for them because of their wealth or their politics? They were human beings with people who loved them. This callousness disgusts me.

A few weeks ago, two elderly protesters were brutally assaulted outside of a Planned Parenthood. Folks on the “other side” are cheering this as an act of revenge or them getting what they deserve. I’m purposely not including any other details because it is not important. The protesters were not breaking any laws or physically harming anyone. The assault was planned and executed by someone who wasn’t even a patient there.

It’s truly disheartening to see how far we have fallen as a society. This old hippie will now sign off and rest my weary heart. I can only take so much.

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